In one day, every person is gifted with 86,400 seconds to be able to utilize in their favor. What you prioritize in your day directly influences your current results, and your current results are a direct reflection of how you spend your time. Do not focus on time management. Using the time matrix, you will find that you need to focus on time maximization and organization of your daily life will advance you further to your goals rather than just managing your time.
Some might argue that time maximization and time management are synonymous, but they would be incorrect. To manage your time is to simply control it, but to maximize time is using every single second to your advantage, and bring you one step closer to your goals. How busy a person is does not establish their level of achievements or status of results. Time is money, and no one wants to throw money away. While money is everlasting and replaceable, time is not.
The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast Presents:
Karen Bradley's Time Matrix: Filter Your Tasks & Identify Waste with Time Maximization
During this week’s special episode, Karen Bradley takes over as the host for the Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast. As a featured guest speaker for the National Association of Minority Automobile Dealers (NAMAD), Karen Bradley leads a workshop that is all about time maximization and optimization to earn results in the goals you set! In eight simple steps, Karen Bradley has created a philosophy that helps prioritize obligations, and turn them into calculated accomplishments.
About Karen Bradley
Karen Bradley is the Chief Executive Officer of Dealer Synergy, the automotive industry’s #1 training, tracking, testing, and certification platform and consulting & accountability firm. With 14 years of experience in the automotive industry under her belt, Karen Bradley is also a certified trainer and facilitator for the Franklin Covey company.
At the same time that she is the Co-Founder of the Internet Sales 20 Group, Mrs. Bradley is recognized by the National Speakers Association. Her expert skills in public speaking rewarded her a nomination in 2015 as one of the top 100 Leading Women in the North American Auto Industry, by Automotive News. Lastly, Karen Bradley is the owner of 11 other companies, thus making her the perfect candidate to teach about maximizing time to your best ability.
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For Weekly Tips & Advice on Time Maximization and Optimization
Karen Bradley’s Time Matrix: Filter Your Tasks & Identify Waste With Time Maximization
Time Maximization Not Time Management
Spending Time vs. Investing Time
Although people tend to interchangeably use “spending time” and “investing time”, there is a distinct difference between the terms. Karen Bradley explains that spending time is wasting value on a distraction disguised as an opportunity. Investing time is a calculated movement that invites productivity, and is beneficial to established goals.
The first movement to altering how you spend your time is understanding where you are placing your time in the first place. Karen Bradley suggests that it is best to begin journaling your actions for a week, this way, you can track and bring attention to habits, rituals, and occurrences in your life. This is where you’d be as honest with yourself as you could be because you will not benefit from tracking your time with embellishment.
Entering the Time Matrix: What is more important?
Once you have established your journal and have an understanding of what your activities are as well as how long you are spending on them, Mrs. Bradley would say you’re ready to warp into the time matrix. The Time Matrix is an organizational philosophy that helps you filter your tasks, so you can identify what can be thrown away. During her workshop Karen explained her prioritizing table in four sections: Quadrant 1, Quadrant 2, Quadrant 3, and Quadrant 4.
The entire table is separated by the level of urgency your activities require, and their level of significance.
Organizing your Quadrants
Karen’s excellent and easy to understand diagram for maximizing time can be broken down even further. Quadrant 1 is the area of necessity, while quadrant 2 is the area of high production and the preventative measures of quadrant 1. Quadrant 3 is your life’s area of distraction, and quadrant 4 is your wasted time. Karen emphasizes the importance of staying out of the bottom two quadrants by focusing on PPA’s (profit producing activities) from a business point of view, or MMA’s (mission moving activities) from a personal standpoint.
“Do it, Delegate it, Designate it, Destroy it!”
Your Time Sponsors Your Money
There is little to nothing that we can do when some circumstances come to light, and the urgency that it requires is oftentimes inconvenient. In order to avoid rushing or becoming unorganized, time maximization is a preventative measure that should be taken to cushion when instances hit the fan.
Managing your time typically includes managing how long you do an activity for, but not everything is beneficial to your goals. It does take time to master the “KB Method”, but the results are effective, and applicable in the long run.
More About the Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast's Hosts & Guests
Time Maximization Resources
Dealer Synergy & Bradley On Demand: The Automotive Industry’s #1 Training, Tracking, Testing, and Certification Platform and Consulting & Accountability Firm
The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast: is the #1 Resource for Automotive Sales Professionals, Managers, and Owners. Also, join The Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group today!
The Against All Odds Radio Show: Hosting guests that have started from the bottom and rose to the top. Also, join The Against All Odds Radio Show Guests & Listeners Facebook Group for the podcasted episodes.
Join The Millionaire Car Salesman Club: on Clubhouse
Win the Game of Googleopoly: Unlocking the Secret Strategy of Search Engines
VinCue: In addition to be built by dealers for dealers, VinCue is an All-In-One Digital Platform. At the end of the day, it can help your Dealership!
AutoWeb: Visit for help in revolutionizing your business to help you sell more cars.
Dealer eProcess: Specializing in responsive websites. Without a doubt, is the auto industry’s leading custom website provider.
CarNow: Sell more cars now! Not only is the market leader in tailored digital solutions, but they are built to help dealers sell more cars.
Be Sure To Listen To Last Week’s Episode of the Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast
Last week’s episode of the Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast, Sean V. Bradley and L.A. Williams was accompanied by the Automotive Retail Head of Facebook, Bob Lanham. The trio was able to discuss successful advertisement budgeting. This useful conversation revealed what Dealer Principals lack in their dealerships, and what they can do to save time, money, and possibly their business.
The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast
The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast has a new episode every Tuesday at 4:00 PM EST. Be sure to tune in next week. Also, check out all of the previous episodes of the Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast.
Likewise, join the Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group and The Millionaire Car Salesman Club on Clubhouse today!
Additionally, The Against All Odds Radio Show broadcasts nationwide each weekend and has a podcast released each Monday. Listen in for tips from billionaires and multi-millionaires.