Grant Cardone, or better known as “Uncle G”, never ceases to amaze his audiences with his knowledge of automotive sales training, and marketing one’s brand to establish a solid foundation for success! As the CEO and Founder of Cardone Enterprises, the multi-billionaire has found his way to the top of the food chain in the marketing industry from the deepest financial, and spiritual hole any person could find themselves in. As a man about his business and family, Grant Cardone managed to accomplish every life goal he has set out to tackle since the start of his 35+ year legacy.
The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast Presents:
Billionaire Car Salesman, Grant Cardone, Joins The Millionaire Car Salesman On Clubhouse, 10x Style
This week’s enlightening episode of the Millionaire Car Salesman, Sean V. Bradley and L.A Williams are accompanied by co-hosts Joe Kalitz, and Roy Davila to shed some in-house secrets on how to improve your automotive sales.
Grant Cardone joined in on the Clubhouse session to talk about the lessons he has learned along the way to his successful enterprises. Who better to offer some tricks of the trade than the internationally recognized, Grant Cardone? Cardone let’s everyone in on the good, the bad, and the ugly sides of the competitions within the marketing industry.
About Grant Cardone
As an eight-time author, and creator of 21 best selling business programs, Grant Cardone has exemplified how following the money will only return your end in mind goals. Over the past few decades, Cardone has not only become the CEO and/or partner of seven private companies, but is also the author and founder of the 10X Rule. His sales training ranges from automotive sales, real estate, and investing strategies through his platforms of Cardone On Demand, Cardone University, and Cardone Capital just to name a few.
Cardone’s dark past of drug use, bankruptcy, and rehab was turned around when he conquered titles such as Forbes Magazine’s number one marketer, the world’s top ten most influential CEOs, and Discovery Channel’s season two star of Undercover Billionaire.
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Show Notes: Billionaire Car Salesman, Grant Cardone, Joins The Millionaire Car Salesman On Clubhouse, 10X
Time is your Biggest Investment
Cardone explains that one of the biggest reasons why sales may not happen is because of the inconsistency from salesmen. A lack of time with their customers and self-education can be the root of the inconsistent sales. This week’s episode kicked off with a very simplistic bit of advice from Grant Cardone himself: “call people back”.
It’s easy to question how something so simple can be an obstacle for most car dealers. However by not spending quality time understanding the people that come to you for help, you don’t have all the pieces to the puzzle. The other portion of this is investing time and money into your education as a salesman. By implementing these two practices, financial and personal growth can be inevitable.
What is 10X?
To someone unfamiliar with the mogul’s 10x Rule, the concept is more simplistic than it sounds. The rule is not a system or law to abide by, but much rather a cognition of practice. Grant Cardone suggests “multiplying” your chances of success and potential. The only way to accomplish that is to never say “no” to an opportunity.
Of course, the 10x mindset isn’t limited to just car sales. It’s a strategy is applicable to all areas of life and career paths. Sean V. Bradley agreed with this concept, and asked Cardone how does a parent implement this mindset early on for their children to utilize. With a simple reply Cardone expressed every tool for success is within reach, whether it be spiritual, strategic, or practical.
“Undercover Billionaire” is Grant Cardone
Never Waste a Hater
Grant Cardone was not shy about sharing his experience with his time on the Discovery Channel’s Undercover Billionaire as the season two star. He touched on the behind the scene factors that contributed to how Cardone was able to generate $5 million dollars in 90 days. With none of the usual resources the stars start with, Grant Cardone broke records for the show’s ratings with his market dominating skills.
Within the harsh conditions of the show and the desire to quit, Cardone used this journey to advise the listeners of the Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast “to convert the losses and hate of your peers to motivate your drive”. Without revealing too much of the show, it’s best to find out for yourself about Grant Cardone’s secrets of perseverance on Discovery+ streaming platform.
More About the Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast's Hosts & Guests
Time Management and Automotive Sales Training Resources
Dealer Synergy & Bradley On Demand: The Automotive Industry’s #1 Training, Tracking, Testing, and Certification Platform and Consulting & Accountability Firm
The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast: is the #1 Resource for Automotive Sales Professionals, Managers, and Owners. Also, join The Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group today!
The Against All Odds Radio Show: Hosting guests that have started from the bottom and rose to the top. Also, join The Against All Odds Radio Show Guests & Listeners Facebook Group for the podcasted episodes.
Join The Millionaire Car Salesman Club: on Clubhouse
Win the Game of Googleopoly: Unlocking the Secret Strategy of Search Engines
VinCue: In addition to be built by dealers for dealers, VinCue is an All-In-One Digital Platform. At the end of the day, it can help your Dealership!
AutoWeb: Visit for help in revolutionizing your business to help you sell more cars.
Dealer eProcess: Specializing in responsive websites. Without a doubt, is the auto industry’s leading custom website provider.
CarNow: Sell more cars now! Not only is the market leader in tailored digital solutions, but they are built to help dealers sell more cars.
Be Sure To Listen To Last Week’s Episode of the Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast
Last week, Sean V Bradley CSP, was accompanied by his daughter Tianna Mick who is Dealer Synergy’s Sales and Marketing Manager. Their guest Melvin Rodriguez is the GSM of Burlington Volkswagen. They discussed keeping gross profits high after the car shortage is over. They scratched more than just the surface of how the power of training and trust can have on sales. Additionally, they talked about the differences between relationship and transactional selling.
The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast
The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast has a new episode every Tuesday at 4:00 PM EST. Be sure to tune in next week. Also, check out all of the previous episodes of the Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast.
Likewise, join the Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group and The Millionaire Car Salesman Club on Clubhouse today!
Additionally, The Against All Odds Radio Show broadcasts nationwide each weekend and has a podcast released each Monday. Listen in for tips from billionaires and multi-millionaires.