AutoWeb Automotive Internet Sales

Automotive Internet Sales Best Practices For Handling Leads

The automotive industry has seen significant changes over the past 15 years. How we communicate with customers today is different.  More importantly, the information customers have at their disposal and how they communicate with dealerships is completely different.  Today, there are departments specifically meant to handle automotive Internet sales leads and special finance leads. And, when it comes to quality automotive leads, AutoWeb is hands down the best.

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 About Laura Whitten

Laura Whitten is an Internet Sales Director and has been in the automotive industry for over 15 years. She works with Northstar Kia Mitsubishi, a five rooftop dealer group, based in Queens, New York.

Laura got into the industry when the Internet and BDC were in their infancy. However, she took to it instantly. From there she tried numerous positions in the dealership but stayed on the internet side of things. She is a wiz with CRM and loves the way technology is aiding the industry.

The Great Lead Debate: Quantity Vs. Quality Automotive Leads

Laura’s dealer group sees about 10,000 leads a month. However, some of those leads were duplicates or spouses of another lead. Sorting through them took up a lot of time and hindered progress. Despite this Laura’s team still succeeds because of AutoWeb. They helped tremendously with this problem because of the quality of their leads.

AutoWeb’s leads are high quality because they scrub them.  They scrub them and remove duplicates, underage buyers, and even dead leads. Additionally, if a deal is having a problem closing, AutoWeb will go back and survey the leads to alert your team of the possible problem.

How To Handle Special Finance Automotive Internet Sales Leads

Handling a lead should not be hard. In fact, it should be simple! As we know, customers are doing a lot of research on their own. What they want is going to be more clear and concise, especially when compared to the past. This takes a lot of pressure off of the initial connection. It is also expected that you are prepared with answers to the standard questions customers ask. From there you can focus your energy on getting them into the store to see a car.

While lead handling should be easy, one of the biggest concerns customers have is finances. A lot of customers want to know that they will be approved before they even consider coming in. The best practice for this type of situation is to alert your BDC reps and your finance team about this customer. Also, have the customer fill out an online application beforehand. From there you can strategize a way to help despite their finances. Or reroute them to something in their price range.

Automotive Internet Sales: You Must Follow Up With Leads!

Consistency wins. NADA says it takes 7-11 attempts on average before you make the first connection from a lead on the internet to an actual conversation. Consistently following up is the only way you will be able to communicate with them, let alone have the opportunity to sell them a car. You have to think of your online interaction with customers like they are in your showroom. You wouldn’t leave a client in your physical store unattended.  The same concept applies to your leads and customers that visit your virtual dealership.

How To Handle Automotive Sales Leads That Are On The Fence

We all know the automotive industry is going through a major chip and inventory shortage. If you make your unsure customers aware of this and how it affects them, this might help close the deal. Simply put, be upfront with them, but at the same time, don’t badger them.

If your approach is too strong you could potentially lose their business. However, if your approach is too soft, you could also potentially lose their business. Be honest and factual with the customer from the beginning. They will appreciate the honesty and they can’t refute the facts.

The Automotive Internet Sales CRM Strategy

The strategy that Laura implements in the CRM focuses on the engagement of the customer. The more the customer engages, the more her team reaches out. They also diversify their approach based on if the customer is local or regional. Additionally, they make sure to create lasting relationships by following up with people after the sale as well. With this in mind, her strategy also engages leads from the past.

More Resources On Automotive Internet Sales Leads

Dealer Synergy & Bradley On Demand: The automotive industry’s #1 training, tracking, testing, and certification platform and consulting & accountability firm.

The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast: is the #1 resource for automotive sales professionals, managers, and owners.  Also, join The Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group today!

The Against All Odds Radio Show: Hosting guests that have started from the bottom and rose to the top.  Also, join The Against All Odds Radio Show Guests & Listeners Facebook Group for the podcasted episodes.

For more interactivity, join The Millionaire Car Salesman Club on Clubhouse.

Win the Game of Googleopoly: Unlocking the secret strategy of search engines.

AutoWeb: Visit for help in revolutionizing your business to help you sell more cars.