Do you want the tips on how to sell more used cars? You should, but do you know where to begin? The best automotive sales training will help you sell more cars. However, you have to take things to the next step. With the proper road to a sale, you can not only sell more cars through relationship selling, but also unlock the key on how to generate referrals.
The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast Presents:
Used Car Salesman Sold 59 Cars In A Single Month At A Used Car Dealership
Sean V. Bradley, CSP and L.A. Williams dive deep into how to sell more cars. More importantly, how to sell more used cars. Not only do they share their tips and best practices, but their guest is a high performing used car salesman.
Their guest, John H. Wilson, is a car salesman at an independent car dealership. At Hampstead Pre-owned, John sold 59 cars in a single month. Today, he shares his techniques on how to sell more used cars.
About John H. Wilson
John never saw himself working in the automotive industry. Before he started to sell cars, he worked in the private security sector. He eventually switched careers and became a sales associate at Hampstead Pre-Owned in Hampstead, Maryland.
John has been a car salesman for 2 ½ years. However, in that short amount of time he is selling more cars than most veterans. Because of his ambition, John strives to be the best. Not only at Hampstead Pre-owned, but everywhere. With this in mind, he invests in himself.
John sold 59 used cars in a single because of this investment. He invests his time with automotive sales training in the Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group. Additionally, he invests in personal and professional development by reading the right books.
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For Weekly Tips on How to Sell More Used Cars & Generate Referrals
Used Car Salesman Sold 59 Cars In A Single Month At A Used Car Dealership
Preparation To Sell More Used Cars
John didn’t start selling 59 used cars a month when he first entered the business. Before John could do so, he had to properly train. Additionally, he focused on personal and professional development. John also read books about overcoming his introverted tendencies.
First, John read The Introverts Edge. Not only did it help John find his edge, but it also helped him with his process. Allowing him to look at his shortcomings, John found ways to work around them. Additionally, he was able to understand what works well for him. Lastly, it taught him hot to keep refining his process.
In addition to The Introverts Edge, John also read Raving Fans. Centered around people who went above and beyond, John developed customer service skills. These skills helped him sell more used cars and generate more referrals through relationship selling.
Automotive Sales Training To Sell More Used Cars
In addition to his readings, John dove deep into automotive sales training. In order to sell more cars, John knew he had to be prepared. His favorite free automotive sales training resource is the Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group. Most notably, John’s biggest takeaway from the group was how to get more referrals.
John didn’t stop there, though. John understands that he must always be a student of his craft. Not only did John study how to sell more cars, but knew he had to “do the leg work.”
John trained on the dealership’s software, such as the CRM. He also studied the inventory and pricing. Lastly, he compared his products against the competition to stay prepared.
Relationship Selling Will Help You Sell More Used Cars
Exceptional Customer Service
What does exceptional customer service mean? According to John, it all falls down to listening. You have to listen to your customer and understand their wants and needs. From there, you have to find the right car.
NADA data states that the main reason why people don’t buy cars is because of selection. The sales person selected the wrong car! The car salesman is the guide. But, how can you guide your customer if you don’t have a detailed conversation with them. It all starts with listening, especially during your needs discovery.
Sell More Used Cars Through Relationship Selling
Johns starts his process with a conversation. To serve his customers, he gets to know them. He understands their needs. More importantly, he knows their wants. However, the most important thing John does is make them feel comfortable.
Through conversation, John builds common ground with the customer. Buying a car is stressful. As everyone should know, it is the second largest purchase the average person makes. Also, it is not a purchase that people make everyday. By building a relationship with his clients, John relieves them of their stress and makes friends.
The Road To A Sale Will Help You Sell More Used Cars
Tips For A Better Needs Discovery & Problem Solving Process
Getting to know your customer’s needs can be hard. The key is to make the process more conversational. John avoids using yes or no questions. Instead, he asks open ended questions.
While there are many questions, John asks these questions to get the ball rolling. “How did you find out about us?” “What car are you interested in?” “What made you interested in this car?’
Additionally, it is not just the questions you ask. You need to have follow up questions. These follow up questions should not be just about the car. They should also include things about their personal life.
This helps to understand why they need the car. More importantly, it allows you to find common group and build rapport. The needs discovery should be a conversation, where both parties are talking and listening.
Relationship Selling Best Practices
While John maintains control of the conversation, he allows the customer to have a sense of control as well. When your client feels like they are in control, their guard will eventually lower. Moreover, they will not only be more comfortable with you, but also the process.
Allow your customer to guide the conversation. However, be prepared to steer things back to your process.
Test Drive Tips & Advice
The test drive is a great time to build upon your conversation from the needs discovery. With this in mind, John continues the relationship building. In fact, he doesn’t even talk about the car. It is simply about rapport and information gathering.
John then uses this information to understand other parts of their process. For instance, if they reveal they have been at their job for 5 years, this is important. It could lead the conversation towards their financial situation. Additionally, it will allow for better strategy when negotiating.
Repeat Customers & Generating Referrals Is How You Will Sell More Used Cars
Developing Raving Fans Starts With The Meet & Greet
The key to generating referrals is to do everything right the first time. It all starts with the meet and greet. Next, you have to create an environment and experience the customer will enjoy.
They will buy from you the first time if they like you, the car, and the dealership. However, if they love you and the experience you created, they will not only be a repeat customer, but also a raving fan.
Customer Testimonials
Now that you have a raving fan, it doesn’t mean your job is done. While many sales associates post pictures of their customers on social media, it is not the only way. You must maximize this opportunity. Especially while you have them front and center.
The best way to seize the moment is through video customer testimonials. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a 60 second video is worth 1.8 million words.
Imagine how powerful a library of raving fans telling everyone how great you are. Additionally, think about how you could leverage those videos to help market yourself.
Car sales is like having your own business, so it is important to advertise you and your brand. Not only is this free advertising, but you can use it on social media and in referral emails.
Use Your Relationships To Get More Referrals
One of the reasons many sales associates don’t generate many referrals is because they don’t build relationships. For those that do, they are likely to forget. Additionally, they don’t save the information they gathered into the CRM to refer to later. Imagine how easy asking for a referral would be if you had this information at hand.
Asking for a referral is easy. In fact, when you have built value and a relationship, it is the easiest thing to do. Furthermore, there will be times where you don’t even have to ask. Your raving fans will simply send their friends and family to see you. This is because you have become their “Car guy” or “Car Gal”.
How To Ask For Referrals
When you do have to ask for referrals, there is a process for that as well. In the same way you perform a needs discovery, it all starts with the relationship. You can’t just call your customers and ask them for business. Instead, start asking them about them. How are they doing? How is the family? Did they have any questions about their car?
From there, you can then start to lead them down the path. Ask questions you already know the answer to. “Did you have a great experience with me?” You know the answer is a yes. Next, ask if they know anyone that would enjoy the experience you provide. “Would you trust me to sell cars to your friends and family?”
Finally, you can now ask for the referral. You have earned their trust and respect. Additionally, you have earned the right to ask for a referral.
John likes to ask in a much different way. Once again leverage the relationship he had built. “If you wouldn’t mind it would be a great service to me if you could write down the names of some friends and family that might like to do business with me.”
More About the Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast's Hosts & Guests
Resources On How To Sell More Used Cars
Dealer Synergy & Bradley On Demand: The Automotive Industry’s #1 Training, Tracking, Testing, and Certification Platform and Consulting & Accountability Firm
The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast: is the #1 Resource for Automotive Sales Professionals, Managers, and Owners. Also, join The Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group today!
The Against All Odds Radio Show: Hosting guests that have started from the bottom and rose to the top. Also, join The Against All Odds Radio Show Guests & Listeners Facebook Group for the podcasted episodes.
Join The Millionaire Car Salesman Club: on Clubhouse
Win the Game of Googleopoly: Unlocking the Secret Strategy of Search Engines
VinCue: In addition to be built by dealers for dealers, VinCue is an All-In-One Digital Platform. At the end of the day, it can help your Dealership!
AutoWeb: Visit for help in revolutionizing your business to help you sell more cars.
Dealer eProcess: Specializing in responsive websites. Without a doubt, is the auto industry’s leading custom website provider.
CarNow: Sell more cars now! Not only is the market leader in tailored digital solutions, but they are built to help dealers sell more cars.
Be Sure To Listen To Last Week’s Episode of the Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast
Sean V. Bradley and L.A. Williams dove deep into training, branding, and special financing. Moreover, they discussed how these three things will help you sell more used cars. They will elevate sales associates. Additionally, they will elevate dealerships.
Who better to explain that than Mike Dorazio. He is the #1 volume Mitsubishi dealer in the U.S. Listen to last week’s episode to hear his tips and tricks.
The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast
The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast has a new episode every Tuesday at 4:00 PM EST. Be sure to tune in next week. Also, check out all of the previous episodes of the Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast.
Likewise, join the Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group and The Millionaire Car Salesman Club on Clubhouse today!
Additionally, The Against All Odds Radio Show broadcasts nationwide each weekend and has a podcast released each Monday. Listen in for tips from billionaires and multi-millionaires.