Automotive Dealer Solutions & Services
Dealer Synergy extends their expertise to all areas that guide you to all automotive dealer solutions. Our team can teach a more progressive and effective course of action for automotive sales consulting, automotive CRM training, sales recruitment, and auto internet sales support. Dealer Synergy is obsessed with your dealers’ success, so we have designed our services and platform around your needs!
Automotive Sales Training
We offer training solutions for just about every role and department in the dealership. Our services can help solve issues in departments like Showroom Sales, Automotive Internet Sales Support, BDC, F & I, and automotive sales consulting. While improving sales ,branding, marketing, leadership, time management and organization, we also offer Virtual Auto Sales Training in different styles to accommodate your team’s preferences and needs. Dealer Synergy is the prime place to seek auto internet sales support. We’re not limited to just onsite, virtual, over the phone, workshops, and social media, but any other avenue that can best accommodate your business.

Automotive Sales Consulting
Prior to being able to identify challenges and recommend specific services, it is important that a auto dealership consulting and training firm seeks first to understand your particular needs and situation. That is why consulting is so important. Instead of just diving in and assuming what the pain points of the dealership are, or basing a solution strictly on what has worked for other dealerships, conducting a needs analysis, along with a SWOT assessment, allows us to identify the current conditions, along with a dealership’s goals, so that we can begin with the end in mind and reverse engineer a game plan for success. Learn more about our dealership consulting services and how we can help you achieve your objectives with cutting edge strategies and a concise plan of action.
Automotive CRM Training
A dealership’s CRM is the most important tool a dealership possesses. An improperly setup, antiquated, misused or underutilized automotive CRM strategy is a grave misfortune and severe loss of opportunity for any dealership’s business. With 90% of all dealership’s CRMs classified as broken in one regard or another, mending a broken CRM processes will create a competitive advantage, increase communication, increase sales, increase profits, increase CSI, increase employee retention and create an environment where people are working smarter, rather than uselessly harder. Learn more about our CRM setup, support and accountability program and how we can help you be amongst the top 10% of best dealership CRMs in the world!

Automotive Internet Sales Support & Accountability
Accountability is the driver that makes goals and success happen. Without accountability, dealership personnel is left to take full responsibility for what gets done and what doesn’t. Unfortunately, many dealership members lack effective time management and organizational skills and end up falling victims to spending their time on the wrong activities. Accountability is also what makes training and processes stick. It takes approximately 40 days to make or break a habit, therefore if no one is acting as the required reinforcement that inspects what they expect. A dealership’s BDC support and training investment may go to waste, and goals will be missed while negative habits can be formed. Learn more about our Automotive Internet Sales Support program, and why it is the number one reason our dealers are so successful.
HR: Automotive Sales Recruiting & Staffing
People are a dealership’s greatest asset and differentiator. Unfortunately, there is a 70% attrition rate in the automotive industry. Many reasons account for this sad truth and a lot of those reasons occur from the start. Dealerships aren’t proactively looking, or are searching via the wrong recruiting sources and strategies. Consequently, out of pure desperation, management is oftentimes stuck filling a position and forced to settle for a body, in lieu of an asset. There is a big difference in taking what is available versus strategic recruiting and lining the dealership with the right people. Even if a dealership blindly hires the right person, there is usually a lack of an on-boarding process, causing the potentially great fit to fizzle out, due to an absence of structure, expectations, communication and training. People are too important to neglect. Learn more about our recruiting and automotive HR solutions. We can help you secure, and retain the best candidates for your organization.

Automotive Marketing Consulting
We’ve all heard the old adage if a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it actually make a noise? The same goes for your marketing, advertising , and your branding efforts. You can have the best product in the world, the best facility in the world, the best deals in the world, the best people in the world, but if no one knows about them, do they exist? Is traditional advertising still relevant? Is digital advertising now the preeminent form of advertising? Well, it depends. With up to 99% of people going online, prior to stepping foot inside a dealership, it is crucial to have a strong digital presence, however there is still a time and place for traditional advertising, but with the right strategy to push traditional traffic to your digital assets. Learn more about our social media marketing essentials and automotive branding service programs. We can help you generate more traffic, more leads and more sales.