Professional Background
L.A. Williams is the Vice President of Dealer Synergy. He has 10+ years of automotive sales experience and has made it his mission to help, educate and level up anyone he comes in contact with. LA once started as a frontline analyst for the organization, but quickly worked his way through the ranks to most recently landing him his current role of Vice President and an official company partner. Although LA holds an executive position with Dealer Synergy, he is completely “hands-on” with the Dealer Synergy family of programs. LA is the preeminent subject master on “Phone Sales” in the Automotive Sales Industry and has earned the nickname and title of “The Blind Phone Master”. LA has been blind for 35+ years and has focused his energy on the art of sound, tone, and inflection. With his inability to see and only hear, he can solely judge a person’s phone abilities and verbal tools based on what they say and how they say it. This makes him the perfect coach and phone sales expert on planet Earth. LA has trained thousands of Automotive Sales professionals, Internet / BDC professionals, Sales Managers, General Managers and Dealer Principals on how to dominate the phones with his “The Blind Phone Master’s Phone Sales Mastery” strategies. Furthermore, LA is an NADA Convention Speaker and a frequent 20 group speaker, including the official Internet Sales 20 Group . In addition to his training and speaking engagements, LA is the official co-host of the globally known Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast and a moderator of the Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group.
LA is also a very successful music producer. He has produced tracks for Dr. Dre, Lil Wayne, Katy Perry, Karina Bradley, and scores more. In addition to having worked with some of the best in the music industry, LA has worked in movies. He was even the voice for Jigsaw in 4 of the SAW movies! LA has taken his music producer, audio, and voice talent to bring a strong form of “entertrainment” to the industry and has blessed us with many motivating and fun remix tracks, applicable to the automotive sales industry. Some of his work includes:
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Possibly because of the site loss, and definitely as long as he can remember, L.A. has incessantly enjoyed the deep analyzation of sound; and not just music, the sound of anything.
He’s been playing instruments since the age of seven and later in life graduated with a degree in audio engineering from Full Sail University, the first blind individual to do so. L.A. remains the ONLY totally blind certified ProTools operator in the world. A passion for excellence has perpetually coursed through Mr. Williams’ veins. “I’ve always been super competitive. I sometimes just blurt out, “I wanna win!” The definition of winning is “to succeed with difficulty” and that’s always been fun for me.” He relishes playing with the big boys. At ten years old, L.A. was a key voice at a hardware company in further developing a product for the blind called the BrailleMate.
“It started in early childhood, I was one of those kids that grown folks didn’t mind being in their business. I guess that’s why I never had a problem with confidence. I believe in speaking up, especially if you’re going to bring something intelligent to the table.”
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L.A. Williams-Vice President of Dealer Synergy
L.A. Williams is one of the Vice Presidents of Dealer Synergy. He has 10+ years of automotive sales experience and has made it his mission to help, educate anyone he comes in contact with.