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Dealership Video Strategy
We’ve all heard the saying that a picture is worth a thousand words, but did you know that every 1 minute of video is worth 1.8 million written words when it comes to impact and effect on the viewer! Video is the absolute most powerful tool for communicating, conveying a message, providing a visual experience, branding and advertising, displaying community involvement and outreach, building relationships with your customers, selling your product, arming your CRM, search engine dominance and so much more, yet most dealerships lack a real video initiative and fail to make video a permanent and required part of the car selling process. Video should be a culture at the dealership and should perpetuate your dealership mission, vision, values and goals. Below you will find the most common video challenges that exist in the automotive sales industry today, and if applicable to you and your dealership, we can assist in solving those challenges:
What We Offer
- Full Video Production Services
- Pre Production
- Post Production
- Video Strategy Creation
- Monthly Deliverables
- Script Writing
- Storyboarding
- Voice Over Talent
- Green Screen/Teleprompter
- Drone Footage
- Advanced 3D Motion Graphics
- In House Video Production Studio
- Onsite Video Production Travel Team
- YouTube Channel Creation & Optimization
- Video Search Engine Optimization
- Specialize in CRM Video
- Specialize in Social Video
- Video Creation Training for Your Staff
- Video Optimization Training
- Partnership with BombBomb
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The Top 9 Challenges Plaguing Selling Cars Using Video in Your Dealership(s):
Click Below or Scroll Down to Explore the Challenges & Solutions:
Dealership Goals & Projections

No Video Communication Strategy
Although video is undeniably the absolute best and most effective form of communication, many dealerships do not have a video strategy, still today. Some dealers don’t know how to put one together, or where to even start, while others don’t even realize they need one.
Progressive dealers that have an effective video strategy are using video to set themselves apart from the competition and close more car deals. Because more dealerships are NOT utilizing video than are, you can create a competitive advantage and dominate your market by implementing a video strategy now.
Call Monitoring

Minimal Video Assets
While some dealerships realize the value of video, they may not have the necessary video assets. While having some video is better than no video, every dealership should possess an inventory of video assets to be used for their CRM, website, social media, email templates, webmercials, commercials, email marketing campaigns, YouTube channel, video distribution/monitoring/tracking services like BombBomb, and text messaging communications. Every dealership should be armed with a library of video assets to choose from when needed.
Phone Training

Poor Quality Video
The only thing worse than having no video at all is having poor quality video assets. Your video strategy should be a direct reflection of your brand, and customers that witness poor video quality will associate your brand and products accordingly. Video assets do not necessarily need to be shot on expensive cameras, however the camera needs to be able to take high quality footage. Audio is also an area of concern. The clarity and quality of the video may be good, but if the audio is muffled or low, or dominated by the sound of wind or cars driving by, that video will reflect poorly too.
Phone Training

Video Reluctance
One of the biggest challenges we have seen in dealerships regarding video is video reluctance. The dealership personnel may feel overwhelmed by the idea that their video will be available to the public for viewing. They may also feel silly, or nervous, or scared to make themselves look stupid. Video reluctance is completely normal initially, however it should never be used as an excuse for not utilizing video and furthermore, with practice and more practice, that fear and reluctance will diminish. Where some dealerships fail is that they allow those that don’t feel comfortable to just pass on the form of communication and that is costing the dealership BIG!
Phone Training

Don't Know What to Say
Part of the reason that video assets are scarce in the dealership environment and social media and marketing initiatives, is that dealership team members don’t know what to film or what to say. An effective video strategy and video culture will proactively embrace this communication medium by beginning with the end in mind and designing a daily, weekly and monthly video agenda of desired content, location, talent, objective and the direct messaging, which will cure the fear of both what to do and what to say.
Phone Training

Don't Know How to Execute Video Sales Techniques
Another challenge automotive professionals face is how to edit video content. They may know what to do, what to say and how to say it. They may have great camera quality and audio quality and the perfect location, but don’t know how to finish the video asset off with calls to actions, graphics, intros, outros and music to tie it all together and really take the footage to a whole new level. Fortunately, there are many apps available to help, as well as companies that you can work with to get your footage edited for maximum impact.
Phone Training

Don't Know How to Use Video with CRM
Video and CRM is powerful. Combine them effectively, and you will have a dynamic duo that is sure to help you sell more cars. Many dealerships are still stuck in the old way of doing things via static text. Video increases read open rates by up to 300%! Each minute of video is worth 1.8 million written words! With that being said, it is imperative that you utilize the power of video within your CRM to amplify your message, your contact rate, your engagement and your sales.
Phone Training

Don't Know How to Optimize Videos
Looking to take over the first page of google for your market, brand and product? Video is an excellent way to do so, however most dealerships don’t realize that each video asset is an opportunity to increase visibility online, and drive traffic to create leads and convert sales. Some dealerships have YouTube channels, which is definitely a step in the right direction, but if the videos aren’t optimized, the real value of YouTube is diminished and only a housing unit for your content, rather than the mighty mechanism that it is. It’s like fishing with a pole and hook, but no bait. Adding the bait will attract the fish, or is our case buyers.
Phone Training

Don't Know Where to Syndicate Video
Another challenge dealerships face is where to actually syndicate their video assets. Again, knowing where to put your content should be a part of your daily, weekly and monthly video strategy and knowing the key video marketing platforms to syndicate your video assets to will ensure that they experience the maximum exposure and lead generation potential. The top 6 video marketing platforms are: YouTube, Facebook, Reddit, LinkedIn, Twitter and Pinterest. Utilizing the various platforms will put your content in front of different audiences and new eyeballs and will work to drive traffic to your website.