Help Me With
My People
If you aren’t investing in your people, you are failing the organization and your results. Let’s take sports teams for example: they don’t just run out into the community, and start grabbing bodies to fill seats. They spend time and money recruiting the right people for the right positions. Once they retain the right talent, they invest in the absolute best trainers, equipment, and resources to help take their new recruits current skills to the next level. If coupled with the right management to lead the team, success is inevitable. The dealership should work out of the same paradigm. Recruiting candidates proactively, recruiting for the right positions, and investing in the right training will reduce the cost of attrition. Simultaneously this will create a happy, effective, and successful environment. All of which transfers to a great customer experience, and an increase of car sales. Below you will find the most common people challenges that exist in the automotive sales industry today, and if applicable to you and your dealership, we can assist in solving the challenges:
What We Offer
- Recruiting Strategy Creation
- Candidate Profiles
- Personal/Professional Development
- Time Management/Organization Training
- Schedule Training
- Pay Plan Creation
- Employee Retention Tactics
- Culture Development
- Mission, Vision, Values Statement
- Action Statement
- Showroom Sales Consultant
- Internet Sales Training
- HR/Recruiting Training
- Management/Leadership
- CRM Audit & Training
- FranklinCovey Training
My Showroom

The Top 5 Challenges Plaguing Your People:
Click Below or Scroll Down to Explore the Challenges & Solutions:

1. A Proactive Automotive Recruiting Strategy
Unfortunately, most dealerships recruit only when they don’t have enough coverage. By doing that, they are put in a situation where they don’t have the appropriate time to recruit the absolute best people for the specific position. They are forced to settle, rather than elevate. It is imperative to always be armed with the right information for recruiting. Vital information such as an ideal candidate profiles, qualifications, experiences, personalities, and mindsets to position the dealership where the highest probability of human resources can promote success and results.
If a proactive automotive recruiting strategy is a challenge for you, Dealer Synergy can help:
- Design a consistent recruiting strategy to attract top talent
- Design a calendar of events to ensure consistent recruiting
- Create ads that contain broad messaging for proactive recruiting
- Provide a streamlined process to create a constant recruiting cycle
- Create social media campaigns that keep your recruiting pipeline filled
- Place the recruiting responsibility on us with our HR Recruiting Program

2. High Employee Attrition
It’s no secret that the automotive industry has one of the highest turnover rates in comparison to other verticals. This, for many reasons, includes recruiting the wrong people, placing the new team members in the wrong position, a lack of an effective on-boarding strategy and training, company culture, and a lack of results (not making the money they need to) just to name a few. Employee retention can be drastically increased with the right culture, pay plans, resources, tools, training, and marketing to drive traffic.
If employee attrition and automotive dealership staffing is a challenge for you, Dealer Synergy can help:
- Design and place ads to find the right people
- Provide an onboarding syllabus and agenda
- Provide showroom sales, internet sales, phone sales, BDC Training
- Assess the dealership's current tools and resources
- Teach your team how to sell more cars
- Provide processes to enhance company culture
Help Me Recruit Proactively and Retain My People

3. Lack of a Strategic Automotive HR Solutions
Although people are a dealership’s greatest asset and differentiation, most dealerships have no real strategy on how to determine who to recruit, what positions to recruit for, and exactly how many people per position to recruit. Sometimes to limit or cut cost, dealerships will try to work with the number of staff they currently have and hope for the best results. They don’t realize that by having the right number of people, they will actually sell more cars. If a dealership has a large volume of leads and not the right number of people to handle those leads, they will hit a point of diminishing return. Leads will be missed, neglected, and lost. Staff is forced to cherry-pick the advertising monies and waste efforts invested. Every dealership needs to have the appropriate HR strategy based on the dealership’s current situation, needs, goals, and end in mind.
If lack of an automotive HR solution strategy is a challenge for you, Dealer Synergy can help:
- Assess your current HR Infrastructure
- Provide/create a custom and effective HR Strategy
- Provide dealership position profiles, job descriptions, and pay plans
- Assess your current lead volume and design an HR plan
- Reverse engineer the dealership's sales goals
- Train your current staff to be more effective

4. Lack of Automotive Sales Training
Most dealerships fail to arm their staff with the necessary training to set them up for maximum success, whether that be to answer the phone, greet customers, sell appointments, sell cars, sell/perform service, sell F & I and so forth. At best, they are given the road to the sale, product knowledge, maybe a script, a pat on the back, and sent on their way. However, that process isn’t going to get the job done. In most cases, that only sets the dealership team member up for failure. To really create automotive professionals, they need the appropriate training to develop their skills, knowledge, attitude, and mindset.
If lack of an automotive sales training is a challenge for you, Dealer Synergy can help:
- Train your showroom floor
- Train your internet sales department
- Train your receptionist
- Provide FranklinCovey training
- Provide mindset training
- Provide HR/recruiting training
Help Me Create an Effective HR Strategy and Train My People

5. Lack of Automotive Sales Management Training
Just because someone holds the title of manager doesn’t mean that they possess the necessary skills to be a real manager. Many times it is assumed that if someone achieves management status they don’t require the same level of training that a frontline employee needs, when in fact, the higher the position, the more skills that person should possess and training they should partake in and more often. Dealership management need to keep their skills sharp. It is very common to see a high performing salesperson get promoted to management, but just because the title changes and they can sell a lot of cars, does that make them a good manager? Or more importantly, does it automatically make them a good leader? Not necessarily. In most cases than not, everyone starts somewhere. With the right training, they can grow into a true manager that is good at leading a team, evolving a team, and holding that team accountable. All management should experience leadership training, how to conduct personal training, FranklinCovey training, and so forth.
If a lack of automotive sales management and leadership training is a challenge for you, Dealer Synergy can help:
- Train your dealership management team on how to lead effectively
- Provide/teach effective time maximization strategies
- Teach management how to conduct a successful 1-on-1
- Teach management how to project and forecast
- Teach management accountability measures and tactics
- Teach management how to create an effective culture that sells more cars
Help Me Create Better Leaders in My Organization that Get Results
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Help Me With My People
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