The History of the Grant Cardone and Sean V. Bradley, CSP
Sean V. Bradley has known Grant Cardone for over 15 years, and even prior to that, Sean trained on his Cardone Selling System and ePencil. During that time, Sean was a front-line automotive sales professional that averaged 30+ units, on the Showroom Sales Floor. Over the years, Sean has communicated with Grant and has crossed paths at several NADA conferences, along with speaking engagements where they both spoke for the various state automobile dealer associations.
Grant has inspired Sean on more than one occasion and has provided great advice throughout the years. Sean remembers Grant telling him at one certain NADA conference, many years ago, that becoming an author was one of the absolute best things he could have ever done in his life, professionally. He was already successful, he was already a muli-millionaire, but when he became an author, the world around him looked at him differently. Furthermore, when Grant’s book became a New York Times Best Seller, that changed his life and created opportunity on a whole new level.
Grant explained to Sean that because of his book’s success, no matter what, for the rest of his life, he will always be a “New York Times Best-Selling Author”. That statement stuck with Sean and was the very thing that inspired him to become an author himself, and ultimately become the “Best-Selling Author” of “Win the Game of Googleopoly”.
For the last 4 years, Grant and Sean have discussed the growth of Dealer Synergy/Bradley on Demand and due to his knowledge and expertise, particularly in automotive internet sales, Sean became a content partner for Grant’s –Cardone on Demand Virtual Training Platform. The partnership was officially made and announced at the 2018 NADA, in Las Vegas.





The Dealer Synergy/Bradley On Demand Training Curriculum is in approximately 1,000 unique automotive rooftops on Grant Cardone’s, Cardone On Demand Virtual Training Platform. While the Dealer Synergy/Bradley On Demand content within the Cardone On-Demand platform is powerful, it is only a small sliver of the company’s full curriculum. The full Bradley on Demand, Interactive Virtual Training System, has over 6,000+ Interactive Video Training Modules vs the 200 Video Modules found on the Cardone On-Demand Platform. We, at Dealer Synergy, are honored that Grant Cardone and his Cardone Automotive Resources have chosen us as a an official content provider, specifically for:
- Automotive Internet Sales
- Business Development (BDC)
- Phone Sales
***Currently, there are 6,000+ Bradley On Demand Modules NOT found on Cardone On Demand. So, if you are a Cardone On Demand, Grant Cardone client, and/or fan, and you want to upgrade your Dealer Synergy/Bradley On Demand/Sean V. Bradley,CSP experience, let us know and we have Special VIP Pricing for all of Grant’s Clients and Network.
Cardone On Demand Clients Click Here to Upgrade Your Dealer Synergy / Bradley On Demand Experience...
Why Us?
Grant Cardone is a BEAST and could have chosen ANYONE to be a content partner for his Cardone On Demand, Automotive Sales Training Platform. “Why” did he choose Sean V. Bradley, Dealer Synergy/Bradley On Demand? Simply put, because after 17 years of experience and proven results, Dealer Synergy & Bradley On Demand is the absolute best automotive internet sales training, consulting, & accountability firm in the Automotive Industry!
If you as a dealer are thinking “Should I have Grant Cardone’s program, OR Sean V. Bradley/Dealer Synergy’s program”? All of us here at Dealer Synergy would say that you can have and/or should have BOTH systems! Think of UFC/MMA Fighters. Each fighter has multiple coaches, striking, wrestling & Jiu Jitsu trainers. From there each fighter will have personal trainers to focus on conditioning, nutrition, weight training etc. On top of them, each will have financial consultants and other professional advisors.
The same concept applies to Sean V. Bradley and Grant Cardone. Grant and Sean have different experiences, different resources, different networks and you will do very good with either of them, however, if you utilize both resources, you will do phenomenal!
For example, one of our joint clients is Bob Ruth Ford, in Dillsburg, PA. Together, we helped take that single auto dealership from 75 units per month online to over 317 units per month online. Results like that have never been done in the automotive sales Industry, especially during the worst pandemic in our country’s history. Bob Ruth Ford’s Internet Sales department, in a town of approximately 2,800 people, sold over 3 times what the average full blown dealership sells in 1 month after training on our platforms.
In addition to having the Dealer Synergy/Bradley On Demand Training Content on Cardone On Demand, the Cardone Automotive Resources department (Grant’s Automotive Sales Division) has worked synergistically together on some mutual clients with amazing results. Sean V. Bradley, CSP was invited to be a featured guest speaker at Cardone Headquarters in Miami, Florida in which Sean trained everyone in attendance on Automotive Internet Sales, BDC and CRM. It has been an amazing experience working with the Cardone Automotive Resources team and our Dealer Synergy team truly is excited, as our clients are, to see what the future has in store for these two great companies and the alliance they have formed together.




"We decided the Internet was not going away... it just made sense that this was the place where we could jump off, together with Dealer Synergy... so that YOU, the dealer could benefit."
— Grant Cardone