The Millionaire Car Salesman's Money Mind Map
Your GPS for Financial Success

Sean V. Bradley, CSP is the Best Selling Author of 
Googleopoly Is Published By The #1 Business Book Publishing Company, Wiley In 2015. Googleopoly Is The Secret Strategy Of Search Engines.

Google is not only the number one search engine in the world, it is also the number one website in the world. Only 5 percent of site visitors search past the first page of Google, so if you’re not in those top ten results, you are essentially invisible. Winning the Game of Googleopoly is the ultimate roadmap to Page One Domination. The POD strategy is what gets you on that super-critical first page of Google results by increasing your page views. You’ll learn how to shape your online presence for Search Engine Optimization, effectively speaking Google’s language to become one of the top results returned for relevant queries. This invaluable resource provides a plan that is universal to any business in any industry, and provides expert guidance on tailoring the strategy to best suit your organization. Coverage includes an explanation of the mechanics of a search, and how to tie your website, paid ads, online reputation, social media, content, images, and video into a winning SEO strategy that pushes you to the front of the line.
"Today a reader, tomorrow a leader."
– Margaret Fuller
"Poor people have big TVs, rich people have big libraries."
– Jim Rohn
"Books allow the mind to travel to places beyond our limited perceptions, to the land of aha."
– Karen Bradley
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